
Takeaways of Running PDCA Cycle

PDCA Cycle is the problem solving model which is intended to continuously run over and over again. Here, I would like to introduce takeaways learned by running the PDCA cycle.

The Way to Make Activity Report More Effective

Activity report is a summary of a member's work activities during a certain period of time to share the progress of tasks to others. Sometimes it is called a progress report or work log. There are long arguments whether an activity report is really necessary or not.

How to Make a Good Process Goal

The main difference between outcome goal and process goal is that outcome goal contains external factors so that achieving goal by doing some certain actions are not promised. To become a customer, the customer needs to make a decision to purchase. The salesperson may be able to influence the decision but the salesperson can not make the purchase decision. However, making follow ups calls can be done without any external conditions.

Importance of Process Goal on Success

There are 2 types of goals. Outcome goal and process goal. This outcome goal states "what" to achieve. However, it does not state "how". The process goal is another type of goal which focuses more on the "how" part.

How Ichiro Believed in the Power of Consistency to Achieve the Greatest Baseball Records

Ichiro Suzuki was the person who stuck to the basics and valued continuing to do the same routine. How he stuck to his routine is not only in the baseball field but also in his daily life.

The Reason Why It is Difficult to be Consistent

There are many quotes stating being consistent on achieving tiny small goals can lead to big success. However, to be consistent is not easy. This article explains why consistency is difficult achieve.